Keith Schwanz


This article was written on 09 Oct 2021, and is filed under T1D.


Here’s the big picture, the 30,000-foot view — The goal of JDRF and others involved in research into curing Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is to restore the body’s own ability to make and deliver insulin. Audacious, yes, but according to decades-long researcher Doug Melton, “There’s nothing we are learning that tells me [T1D] can’t be cured. There are problems that we’re having trouble solving, and it’s taking longer than I want, but I’m convinced that those cells will cure the disease.”

“Those cells” — Melton is talking about beta cell replacement, that is, placing healthy, insulin-producing beta cells back into the bodies of people with T1D. Researchers have been successful in the laboratory and are getting closer to the first clinical trials with humans.

A major challenge at this point is keeping the body from attacking the replaced cells. A person developed T1D because the body mistakenly saw the cells producing insulin as dangerous and the immune system shut them down. Researchers have identified one gene in the replacement cell that when edited seems to avoid recognition by the immune system. When this process is perfected, persons with T1D who have cells replaced will be able to go back to living on automatic pilot like their friends.

In addition to beta cell research, JDRF has also helped in the development of what is called “smart” insulin that circulates through the bloodstream and activates or deactivates in response to changing blood sugar levels. An injection maybe once a week would provide the correct amount of insulin just when it is needed.

We support JDRF because it works for medical advancement to benefit folks with T1D like Oliver and Stella. Please consider making a donation to JDRF. The goal of Team STRONGER TOGETHER is to raise $5,000 this year. If you prefer not to make an online donation, we will receive checks made out to JDRF or cash that we will turn in directly to the Kansas City JDRF chapter.

Please partner with us to fund research to find a cure for T1D. Oliver and Stella and the 1.25 million Americans with T1D thank you.

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